Owner of Cafe in the Park Rickmansworth Carly Trisk-Grove says "I approached Chris for help at a time when my café business was struggling. I had two sites, sales were healthy but I didn't have focus or a strategy. At the time the fee Chris charged me was a cost I almost couldn't afford but with the benefit of hindsight - I realise now that actually - I couldn't afford not to . The advice was hard hitting, honest and not soft around the edges. It was hugely specific; actual actions that I could take away and put in place which I did. Many of Chris' words were repeated by myself to my colleagues over the years. Following the time spent with Chris and also joining him on his café tour hugely shaped my business, very much for the better."
Back in 2008 Crich Tramway Village, home of the National Tramway Museum based in the Peak District had a problem. Catering sales of £280,000 but a loss of £7,000. Time to call in Turpin Smale Catering Consultant's Chris Brown to identify the issues.
Working with Andrew Watkins, Financial Controller and Alison Isaacs, the in-house Catering Manager we looked at the sales, standards, margins and costs. Alison worked really hard at improving the margins - taking the Gross Profit from 57% to 71% - with Andrew supplying timely, relevant management information.
Result: Sales in 2010/11 have improved to over £300,000 with profits of £80,000. Well done to the team at Crich and a real life example of catering consultancy advice paying dividends.
"Chris came to see us and helped focus our attention on the key issues; food margins and labour costs. We set up simple spreadsheets which allowed us to monitor these on a weekly and monthly basis with the result that both improved considerably. Catering now makes a valuable contribution to the Society's finances." Andrew Watkins, Financial Controller, National Tramway Museum.


